About Us

High quality wood components

At Giguère & Morin, we define ourselves first of all as a family-owned business well rooted in our community of Saint-Félix-de-Kingsey. We have had the same address since 1968 and because of this stability, many of our employees have been with us for over twenty years.

Over the past several decades, we have supplied wood components to several of the most important manufacturers in North America. The treatment and transformation of hardwood species, such as yellow birch, hard maple, soft maple, oak and cherry, have become our specialities.

Always wishing to invest in this important Quebec industry, we have expanded our areas of expertise by adding a section dedicated to cabinet door components to our rough mill and machining departments.

Thanks to an investment of two (2) million dollars in 2013, the most important since the company’s foundation, our 115,000 square foot plant is now equipped to meet the needs of the furniture, kitchen cabinet and woodworking industries. The quality of our components, our delivery times and our very competitive prices will convince you to opt for outsourcing.

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